Set in a place between Heaven and Hell, where Mother Teresa and Satan sit side-by-side, you have been summoned for jury duty to participate in the sentencing of history’s most notorious betrayer, Judas Iscariot. Fast-paced, witty and controversial ‘The Last Days of Judas Iscariot’ doesn’t settle for simplistic answers but rather explores the violent rupture of relationships between iconic figures in history. Not anti-Christian or anti-Catholic…but you’ll definitely fall in love with the anti-Christ.
Missing Stories We're collecting short stories / anecdotes / trivia about each show. If you've got something to share send the editors a message.
Last retrieved at 2021-01-09 16:49:37 +0000
Album last organised at: 2015-11-08T11:33:47+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2017-03-18T12:22:40+00:00
81 total images