Socially-awkward Stephen is a twenty-something we can all relate to. He’s hopelessly lonely, he hates his job and he keeps a woman shackled to his plumbing. But tonight is different. Tonight Stephen is preparing for a hot date with the help of the female manacled to his water main. They discuss everything from Sandra Bullock to white privilege and the sex appeal of investment bankers, but never mention the elephant in the room. A hilarious, fast-paced, black comedy about a kidnapper and his victim. Winner of East 15 Graduate Award 2015.
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What the two actors successfully convey however is the simultaneously sinister tone to this friendship because it’s also about the relationship between a kidnapper and his victim; something that we become all too aware of every time she struggles to reach for something.
HerCampus -
This piece of theatre holds nothing back, almost yelling at social etiquette through its dark jokes by saying WHY THE HELL NOT? Previewed at the Nottingham New Theatre before it hits the Edinburgh Fringe, the play is one that will make you laugh – even if you may not want to!
Impact Nottingham -
I love it as a short piece of theatre and at the same time I want more, and there is room for more. the play should go down a storm at The Edinburgh Fringe because of it's off the wall humour and young cast, plus it's a little bit sexy as well, or is that just me?
Kev Castle Reviews -