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Oedipus The King

Oedipus Rex is the powerful and self-assured King of Thebes who unwittingly fulfills a brutal and murderous prophecy. As the truth is slowly and painfully revealed, King Oedipus, his mother and his people come to realize the true horror of what he has done, leading to inevitably bloody consequences.

The Bemused Theatre Company warmly invites you to join them in the definitive story of tragedy. Combining music, drama and theatrical flair in a performance of this 2,500 year old play that shocks audiences to this day. You won’t believe your eyes.

Missing Stories We're collecting short stories / anecdotes / trivia about each show. If you've got something to share send the editors a message.

Show Materials

Oedipus The King poster

Missing Production Shots We're missing photographs of the show. If you can help send the editors a message.



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