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Show does not contain cast crew playwright

Bright Ideas - An Evening of New Writing

Playwright Unknown

28 May 2011

An exciting showcase of new student writing at your very own student run theatre. Go places you’ve never been. See things you’ve never seen. Please leave your hallucinogenics and exam stress at the door…

While we can’t guarantee bloodsports, a live sex show or a surprise appearance from Bob Dylan, it’ll probably be a more stimulating evening than all that put together.

Missing Stories We're collecting short stories / anecdotes / trivia about each show. If you've got something to share send the editors a message.

Show Materials

Bright Ideas - An Evening of New Writing poster

Missing Production Shots We're missing photographs of the show. If you can help send the editors a message.


Missing Cast List We're missing the cast list from this record. If you can help send the editors a message.


Missing Crew List We're missing the crew list from this record. If you can help send the editors a message.