Since this was the first English production outside London (the play premiered at the Royal Court in French in 1957) we wrote to Beckett (who did the English translation) in Paris inviting him to attend the Nottingham premiere. Sadly he did not reply, though of course he may have been that quiet gentleman with the puzzled frown at the back.
Max Wyman 2019-01-24
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Show Materials

DirectorMax Wyman
ProducerMax Wyman
Stage ManagerPaul Pittham
Assistant Stage ManagerPeter Fisher
LightingRoger Strens
SoundBernie Lovell
Music (Piano)Peter Wilson
Music (Clarinet)Bob Jones
Music (Dustbin)Geoff Rowcliffe
WardrobeChris Barnes
Make-UpJohn Rowland
Make-UpRichard Holdaway
PublicityNeil Barnes
Properties MistressChris Barnes
House ManagerHugh Ramsbotham
Last retrieved at 2021-01-10 16:54:58 +0000
Album last organised at: 2019-01-28T14:24:46+00:00
Album images last updated at: 2019-01-28T14:25:09+00:00
6 total images